List of things I'm involved in, feel free to hit me up about any of this.
I translate stuff from English to Polish. Some works are done, some are getting frequent updates, some are in progress.
- Artykuły po polsku - articles translated for Polish plebs
- Alby - easy Bitcoin Lightning micropayment integration for web content and apps
- Bitkit - simple, yet powerful self‑custodial wallet.
- Blink - The everyday Bitcoin wallet
- Blixt Wallet - non-custodial open-source Bitcoin Lightning Wallet
- BlueWallet - a mobile bitcoin wallet
- BTCPay Server - self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor
- Damus - iOS Nostr client
- Geyser - bitcoin-based crowdfunding
- - a bitcoin mempool explorer, also liquid and bisq
- Peach Bitcoin - p2p, no-kyc trading app
- SHAmory - my daughter (@bitcoin_child) translated (and I reviewed) the introduction video subtitles - a bitcoin card game
- Vexl - private, p2p, no-kyc trading app
- Zeus - a mobile lightning wallet with channel management features
- (no longer active) bitcoin-intro - a primer on using bitcoin
European Bitcoiners
I joined European Bitcoiners (www, twitter, telegram) to bring bitcoin plebs closer together. I maintain the domain, hosting, etc.
DNSCrypt Poland - I run a DNS encrypting service which utilizes Frank Denis' dnscrypt protocol. Free, No Logs and Uncensored, with optional phishing/malware protections. There you can find a few other software projects I contributed to.
Polish Public Debt in Bitcoin
I wrote a small app which takes the Polish Public Debt and bitcoin price in PLN and tracks the debt denominated in bitcoin. When I started this, the debt was more than 21 million BTC. As time went by and debt grew insanely high, the bitcoin price grew even faster, making it all payable with just 7 million coins (as of December 2021). If a country had bitcoin reserves it could easily pay of the debt. This is just for fun, but in light of El Salvador adopting bitcoin as legal tender and now, issuing EBB1 - the Bitcoin Bond, it opens completely new game theoretical scenarios how nation states will be transformed by hyperbitcoinization and the true onset of the Information Age.
See more at: Polish Public Debt in Bitcoin (non-functional)
I wrote an API that retrieves M3 data from NBP. Official data is stored in klunky spreadsheets. This allowed Lech Wilczyński (@DoctorLex) to build a visual tracker for M3 from 1996 to this day.
See more at: